2nd Oct 2006 |
September Roundup (including the return of Deltic 55022)
Photos and sound recordings from the East Lancs, Great Central and Battlefield September diesel events. Another 9 new locos added for 25035, 25072, 25083, 31101, 31130, 33019, 47640, 55022 and 73114. 25072 & 25083 had been missed in the Scottish update in July. New recordings: D8048, D8098, D5054, D5185, 26024, 31101, 31130, D5600, D5830, 33019, D6535, 37255, D335, 40145, D123, D1705, 47640, 55022, 56003, 73114, E79960 and DEMU 1305 New photos: D8048, D8098, D5185, 25072, 25083, 26024, 31101, 31130, D5830, 33019, D6535, 37255, D123, D1705, 47640, 55022, 73114 and E79960. Sound archives for D5054, 26024, 33117 and 40135 have been updated and a new one created for D6535/33116. |
2nd Aug 2006 |
East Lancs July diesel event:
Photos and recordings from the East Lancashire Railway diesel event 5-9th of July 2006 featuring operational members of the home fleet and visiting locos 26024 and 56003. New recordings: D5054, 26024, D7076, D335, 40145, D832, 45135, 47402, 47575, 56003 and DEMU 1305 New photos: D5054, 26024, D7076, D335, 40145, D832, 45135, 47575, 56003 and DEMU 1305 Sound archives for DEMU 1305, D5054, 26024, D7076, 40145, 45135 and 47402 have been updated. Photos for 26024, 40135, D832 and 45135 have been reorganised including the odd archive shot in some cases. |
17th July 2006 |
Scottish diesel events, 20031's return, 33029 and D5600:
Photos and recordings from the Bo'ness & Kinneil and Caledonian diesel events (including some rare sounds from the seldom heard 37097), 20031's return to service at the Keighley & Worth Valley and new sound recordings of D5600 and 33029 (the latter also having a new photo). Locos added - 20020, 27024, 33207 and 37097. A special note of thanks to the diesel group at the Caledonian (www.crdg.co.uk) for their kind hospitality. New recordings: D8020, 20031, 25235, D5314, 26024, 27001, 27024, D5600, 33029, 33207, 37097 and 47643 New photos: D8020, 20031, 25235, D5314, 26024, 27001, 27024, 33029, 33207, 37097 and 47643 The 'FM Rail' and 'DRS' sections of the Class 33 section have been removed with all locos listed in the main page. Photos re-organised for 25235 and 47643. Sound archives created for 25235 & 26001 and updated for D5600. |
22nd May 2006 |
East Lancs Night Rider and Embsay diesel weekends:
Photos and recordings from the East Lancs Railway's 'Night Rider' event and the Embsay & Bolton Abbey Railway's diesel weekend, including the outrageously loud totally unsilenced D2203 - even if you don't listen to shunters you really should give D2203 a listen! New locos added for 20189 and 31119. New recordings: D2203, 20189, D5054, 31119, D5600, D7076, D335, 45135 and Class 107 DMU. New photos: D2203, 20189, 31119, D5600, D7076, D335, 45135 and Class 107 DMU. Photos slightly re-organised for D5600, D7076 & 45135. Sound archives updated for D335/40135 & 45135. |
17th Mar 2006 |
East Lancs Sulzers, Llangollen diesel weekend and D1015 footage from last year:
Photos and recordings from the East Lancs Railway's Sulzer theme day, the Llangollen diesel weekend (featuring the rediculously loud 37901 and DB999507) and a new recording of D1015 on the 'Western Lizard' tour from 2005 taken from video footage by Graham Braund with thanks to Chris Meads also. New loco added for 20142. New recordings: 20142, D5054, 25313, 37240, 37901, 45135, 46010, 47402, D1566, 47575, D1015 and Wickham Railbus DB999507 New photos: 20142, 37240, 37901, 45135, 46010, D1566, 47575 and Wickham Railbus DB999507 Sound Archives created for 33201, 45041 & 45060 and updated for D5054 & 45135. |
7th Feb 2006 |
Deltic 55019 on the 'Fusilier Farewell' tour, Ecclesbourne Valley Railway diesel weekend plus
the East Lancs English Electric day added to the site. Four new BRDW Audio CDs now available:
Photos and recordings of Deltic 55019 on the 'Fusilier Farewell' tour, the Ecclesbourne Valley Railway (Wirksworth) diesel weekend including new locos to the website 03084, D2158, 31414 & 37075 and the Chopper-fest that was the East Lancs English Electric day added to the site with another new loco 20905. New recordings: 03084, D2158, 20096, 20901, 20904, 20905, 31414, 37075, D335 and 55019 New photos: 03084, D2158, 20096, 20904, 20905, 31414, 37075, D335 and 55019 www.d9531.com has also recently been updated. Sound Archives created for 47769 & 47853 and updated for 20901, 46035 and 47839. |
6th Dec 2005 |
Lakeside & Haverthwaite diesel weekend plus 33117 at the East Lancs Sulzer day, 47575 added
to the site and four new BRDW Audio CDs now available:
Photos and recordings from the Lakeside & Haverthwaite diesel weekend plus a recording of 33117 and two photos of new arrival 47575 during the ELR Sulzer theme day - 575 unfortunately managed to avoid my microphone. New recordings: AD601, D2072 & D2117, 20214, D5301 and 33117 New photos: AD601, D2072 & D2117, 20214, D5301 and 47575 Four new BRDW Audio CDs now available: Class 37 Volume I, Type 1,2 and 3 Volume II, Type 4 and 5 Volume II and (Shock horror!) Steam Collection Volume I. Click Here for details. Photos reorganized for AD601, Class 03, 20214 and D5301. |
23rd Oct 2005 |
Llangollen Railway and Severn Valley Railway diesel galas:
Photos and recordings from the Llangollen and Severn Valley October diesel galas including 37901's passenger debut. 4 new locos added to the site. New recordings: 31452, 31602, 33103, 37240, 37901, 45112, 46010, D1566, 47712, D444, D1013, D1015, E6005, E6006, Class 104 DMU and Wickham Railbus DB999507. New photos: 31452, 31602, 33103, 37240, 37901, 45112, 46010, D1566, 47712, D444, D1013, D1015, E6006, Class 104 DMU and Wickham Railbus DB999507. Sound archives have been created for 33103, 50044 and Class 73. Sound archives for D1013 and D1041 revised. Photos reorganized for 33103, 46010 and 50044. |
25th Sept 2005 |
East Lancs and Great Central diesel event updates plus D1015 on its recent journey North
and some new CoBo photos:
Photos and recordings from the East Lancs and Great Central September diesel galas, plus D1015 on 'The Western Heights' railtour and some new photos of 'CoBo' D5705. 7 new locos added to the site. New recordings: D8048, D8098, D8154, 20901, 25265, D5830, D6535, 33117, 37255, 40145, D123, D1705, 47402, D1015, E6003, DEMU 1305 and Class 101 DMU. New photos: D8048, D8098, D8154, 20901, 20904, 25265, D5705, D5830, D6535, 37255, 40145, D123, D1705, 47402, D1015, E6003 and Class 101 DMU. Sound archives have been created for D8154, 20901, 37190 and DEMU 1305. Sound archive for 33117 revised. Photos reorganized for D8098, 40145 and 47117. |
22nd Aug 2005 |
Keighley & Worth Valley, Midland Railway Centre and East Lancs event updates, plus 56097:
Photos and recordings from the KWVR gala, Class 40 Appeal day at the Midland Railway Centre (D212s return to traffic) in June and the East Lancs July diesel gala. 7 new locos added including the first ever Railcar recordings and an exclusive recording of 56097's power unit being started. New recordings: D8154, 20901, D5054, D5600, 31452, 33029, 33117, D7076, 37190, 37214, 37605, D212, 40135, 40145, D832, 45135, 47402, 50007, 56097, E6005, E6006, Class 108 DMU and Railcar M79964 New photos: 20087, D8154, 20901, D5054, D5600, 31452, 31556, 33029, 33117, D7076, 37190, 37214, 37605, D212, 40135, 45135, D182, 47402, 50007, E6005, E6006, Class 108 DMU and Railcar M79964 The Links section of the site has been updated. A sound archive has been created for 47402 and those for 20087, D5054, D5600, 33117, D7076, 37038, 37087, 37194, 37197, 40135, 40145, D832, 45135 and 50007 updated. Photos reorganized for 20087, 33117, 45135 and 47402 (including overhaul archive). |
19th July 2005 |
Mid Hants, North Yorkshire Moors and Churnet Valley updates (plus some scottish mainline
31s and 37s):
Photos and recordings from the Mid Hants, North Yorkshire Moors and Churnet Valley diesel events in May plus 31190 & 31602 on the Royal Scotsman and 37416 & 37417 on a Mallaig tour. A massive 14 new locos added to the site plus 3 new DMUs! New recordings: 08288, 08490, 20001, D8154, 20227, D5054, 26024, 27001, 31108, 31128, 31190, 31327, 31602, 33102, D6593, 37190, 37401, 37416, 37417, D200, 45112, 45133, D1842, 47303, 47358, 47798, D1013, Class 104 DMU, Class 117 DMU and Class 122 DMU New photos: 08490, 20001, D8154, 20227, D5054, 26024, 27001, 31108, 31128, 31190, 31327, 31602, 33102, 37190, 37401, 37416, 37417, D200, 45112, 45133, D1842, 47303, 47358, 47798, D1013, Class 104 DMU, Class 117 DMU and Class 122 DMU Some archive photos added for: 27103, 37411 and 37427 Quite a bit of housekeeping has been done with this update too: Photos of D5054, 26024, 27001, 27103, 31108, D200, 45133 and D1013 have been reorganised, Sound archives have been created for 26024, 27001, 31108, D6593, D200 and D1013, EWS Class 37/4 and HNRC Class 37 sub-categories removed - 37087/194 & 515 are now with DRS and each 37/4 now has its own page in the EWS 37 section and the Class 47/8 and Class 47 EWS sub-categories removed with each loco having its own page. Hovering over a loco number in most cases will now show you the old 'D' number, with previous identities detailed on the pages itself. |
24th May 2005 |
Midland Railway Centre, Peak Rail and ELR updates (plus a mainline duff):
Photos and recordings from the Midland Railway Centre, Peak Rail and East Lancs plus 47703 on the main line. 6 new locos added to the site! New recordings: 03099, D2284, 20001, D5054, D7671, 31270, 31271, D5600, D7076, 40135, D8, D182, 47703, 50007, 207202/1305 and Class 105 DMU New photos: 03099, D2284, D7671, 31270, D5600, D7076, 40135, D8, D182 and 207202/1305 The DMU section has been split into classes and a new Class 04 section added. Photos for D5600, D7076 & 40135 reorganised. Sound archives for D5054, D5600, D7076, 40135 and 50007 have been revised and a new archive created for 31271. |
7th Dec 2004 |
Lakeside & Haverthwaite, East Lancs and Gloucestershire & Warwickshire Events:
Photos and recordings from the Lakeside & Haverthwaite, East Lancs and Gloucestershire & Warwickshire diesel events November 2004 plus 50049 & 50031 on the Lickey incline. 8 new locos added to the site! The Microsoft Train Simulator East Lancashire Railway add-on pack is now available Click here for details. New recordings: AD601, D2072/D2117, D9539, D8137, 20214, 24081, D5301, D5600, 37215, 37324, 40135, 40145, 47105, 47376, 50031, 50049 and 207202/1305 New photos: AD601, D2072/D2117, D9539, D8137, 20214, 24081, D5301, 37215, 37324, 40135, 47105, 47376 and 207202/1305 Sound archives for D5600, 40135 and 40145 revised. The Class 26 pages have been split to accomodate the growing number of locos. |
13th Oct 2004 |
Severn and Nene Valley diesel galas & ELR Trainsim Route launch:
Photos and recordings from the Severn Valley and Nene Valley diesel events October 2004. This sees the first Class 14 recordings added to the site and a handful of new locos D9516, D9523, 37190, D306, 56057, 73005 & 73006. New photos and recordings: D9516, D9523, 31108, 37190, D306, 40145, D821, 50007, 50044, D1013, D1023, 56057, 66709, 73005 and 73006 Sound archive for 40145 revised and new archives created for 50007, D1023 and Class 66. The Class 37 pages have been reorganised with Riley and Son removed. The Class 56 section split to accomodate the growing number of locos. Previous numbers for refurbished and/or renumbered Class 37's and 47's have been added to the relevant pages (hovering over the loco number in the index pages will give the 'D' number whilst any other 'tops' numbers are highlighted in each loco's page). |
30th Sep 2004 |
East Lancs, Midland Railway Centre and Great Central Railway September diesel galas:
Photos and recordings the ELR September event along with the proceeds of a day split between the Midland Railway Centre and the Great Central Railway. New recordings: D8098, 20227, 25265, 33117, 37087, 37194, 37255, 37515, 40145, D832, 47769, D1041, 73119, 73138 and DMU New photos: D8098, 20227, 25265, 33117, 73119 and 73138 Sound archives for 33117, 37194, 40145, D832 and D1041 have been revised and new archives created for 37087 and 47839. |
15th Aug 2004 |
47769 and Microsoft Train Simulator news:
Four new recordings and three photos of 47769 on its passenger turn on the 31st of July 2004 The East Lancashire Railway route add-on for Microsoft's Train Simulator program is nearing completion - details including screenshots and information on how to secure a pre-order copy are now online. Click Here for more information. |
27th July 2004 |
East Lancs July diesel gala:
Photos and recordings from the mammoth East Lancs diesel gala 7-11th July 2004 which saw no less than 20 different locos in traffic during the week, plus a pre-gala recording of D5054 on the Bury 'Skijump'. The BR Dieselweb site also celebrated its 5th birthday on the 14th of July - time flies! New recordings and photos: D5054, 31271, D5600, 33117, D7076, 37087, 37218, 37515, 37611, 40135, 40145, D832, 45041, 45135, 47769, 47839, 50007, D1041 and 66558/66565 More photos have been reformatted to the larger 640x480 size and photos of D5600, 33117, 40135, 40145, D832, 45135, 50007, D1041 and 66xxx have been re-organized including some archive shots. Sound archives for D5054, D5600, 33117, D7076, 40135, 40145, D832, 45135 and D1041 have been revised. |
29th June 2004 |
Keighley & Worth Valley Diesel Gala (and more):
Photos and recordings from the Saturday of the KWVR diesel gala 19th June 2004, plus some Class 37/4 action from the West Highlands and a new recording of 'Hymek' D7076 on the Heywood extension of the East Lancs Railway. New recordings: D2511, D5054, 25059, 31271, 33030, D7076, 37259, 37427, 37670, D832 and 47401 New (and archive) photos: D2511, 08944, D5054, 25059, 31271, 33030, D7076, 37259, 37427, 37670, D832 and 47401 The Shunter section of the site has been redesigned with a loco list and new photos, those photos already on a page with additions this time have been reformatted to the larger 640x480 size. Sound archives for D5054, 33117, D7076 and D832 have been revised. |
9th June 2004 |
Mid-Hants Diesel Gala:
Photos and recordings from 3 days spent at the Watercress Line's diesel gala 21st-23rd of May 2004: Its a long way but was well worth it! New recordings and photos: 33021, 33103, 33108, D6593, 45060, 47355, D444, 73104, 73139 and DEMU 205025 The class 73 section has been split to accomodate the new locos and Fragonset sections for both class 33 and 47 have been created (complete with dodgy logo!) |
4th May 2004 |
Thomas and Friends Thrash:
Three new recordings from the Thomas and Friends weekend: New recordings: 37087 and D5600 (with 5690 'Leander') |
27th Apr 2004 |
North Yorkshire Moors & Westerns on Tape CD:
Photos and recordings from a day at the NYMR gala and news of a new CD hosted here: New recordings: D5061, D7628, 37261, 44004, 45133, 50007 and 50033 New photos: D5061, D7628, 37197, 37261, 44004, 45133, 50007 and 50033 Another audio CD has been added to the BRDW site but not one of mine this time - Westerns on Tape 1974-1976 is a collection of Western recordings made by Steve Feasby that capture a time when Maybachs ruled the Western Region. All proceeds are donated to Bury Hydraulic Group - Click Here for details. The Class 24 section of the site has been expanded to accomodate D5061/24061. |
14th Apr 2004 |
Odds and sods plus some housekeeping:
A new recording of D5600 and photos including more of the ongoing work on 47402 and some more website housekeeping: New recordings: D5600 New photos: D8087, 27103, D5600, 37087, 37261, 47402 and D1041 Photo pages for D8087, D5600, 47402 and D1041 have been reorganised as part of the housekeeping. Don't forget, if you are a Microsoft Train Simulator user BR Dieselweb is now hosting the Hydraulic addon pack - All proceeds go to the COBO Locomotive Group who are restoring D5705 - Click here for details. With the main Gala season fast approaching keep an eye on the website for new stuff or join the mailing list (click here) |
9th Mar 2004 |
East Lancs Sulzer theme day, MSTS CD launched and some housekeeping:
Photos and sound recordings from the East Lancs Railway's Sulzer day 21st February 2004, Trainsim CD Launched and a few bits of housekeeping to the website: New recordings: D5054, 45135 and 47853 New photos: D8098 (archive), D5054, D5705 (CoBo), 45135 and 47853 The class 20, 37 and 47 pages have been further reorganised to accomodate the growing number of locos included. Photos of D5054, D832 and 45135 have been reorganised. A Class 28 (CoBo) page has been added and the site menus revised to free up space. Staying with the COBO theme (all will become clear!) a software CD for Microsoft's Train Simulator program is now available so take a look if you're a MSTS user! Photos and information on the ELR Flooding incident have been moved to the new Archive page and finally, sound archives have been revised/created for the following locos to free up space: D5054, D5600, 33117, D7076, 37194, 37197, 40135, 40145, D832, 45135 and 46035 |
10th Feb 2004 |
East Lancs English Electric theme day:
Photos and sound recordings from the East Lancs Railway's English Electric day in January 2004: New recordings: D5600, 37087, 37194, 37197, 37261, 40135 and 40145 New photos: D5600, 37087, 37194, 37197, 37261 and 40145 The class 37 pages have been reorganised to accomodate the growing number of locos included. |
15th Dec 2003 |
Llangollen Railway and East Lancs Sulzer gala days:
Photos and sound recordings from the Llangollen Railway's diesel gala in October and the East Lancs Railway's Sulzer day in November 2003: New recordings: D5054, 25313, 45135, 47292 and 47303 New photos: 25313, 46010, 47292 and 47303 The class 25 and Class 46 pages have been split to accomodate the growing number of locos included. |
1st Dec 2003 |
Severn Valley diesel gala:
I've been on my travels! Photos and sound recordings from the Severn Valley Railway's diesel gala in October 2003: New recordings: 40135, 40145, D821, 46035, 47853, 50031, 50049, D1013 and 56078 New photos: 40135, 40145, D821, 46035, 50031, 50049, D1013 and 56078 The class 42 (Warship) and Class 50 pages have been split to accomodate the growing number of locos included. |
5th Nov 2003 |
East Lancs September Gala and a bit of housekeeping!:
Photos and sound recordings from the East Lancs Railway's September diesel gala including quite a few from the new Heywood extension which is 1 in 80 from Bury up to Heywood! New recordings: D5054, 27103, 40135, 40145, 45135, 47150 and D1041 New photos: D5054, 27103, 40135, 40145, D832, 45135, 47150 and D1041 The photo pages for 40135 & 40135 have been renewed and earlier sound files for locos with large numbers of downloads have been archived to make some space - this will be ongoing for most locos. The Freighliner Class 47 section has now been split giving a page for each loco. |
24th Sept 2003 |
KWVR Summer Diesel Weekend and BRDW Audio CDs now available:
Photos and sound recordings from the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway's Summer Diesel Weekend in August which turned out to be a Tractor Fest and the first two BRDW audio CDs are now available - for details click here. New recordings: 20096, 20901, 25059, 37174, 37197, 37229, 56054 and Class 108 Dmu. New photos: D8031, 20096, 20901, 25059, 37174, 37197, 37229, 56054 and DMU (KWVR 108 and ELR Cravens sets). |
7th Aug 2003 |
ELR Summer Diesel Gala:
Photos and sound recordings from the East Lancs Railway's summer diesel gala which took place 2nd-6th July 2003 plus a couple of earlier recordings featuring 40135, D345 & D1041. New recordings: D8087, DRS 20's (312 & 313), D7076, 37194, 37197, 37608, 40135, D345, D832, 47839, D1041, 57004 and Class 66 (544 & 552). New photos: D8087, DRS 20's (312 & 313), D7076, 37194, 37197, 37608, D832, 47839, D1041, 57004 and Class 66 (544 & 552). |
3rd July 2003 |
Miscellaneous Updates:
Various photos and sound including two recordings from Bo'ness and two of 37's in the West Highlands - I'll try to not leave it so long next time! New recordings: 37/4 (37411,426 & 427), 27001 (with 26024). New photos: D5054, 26004, D5600, Class 35 (Hymek the Cat), 37/4, 40135, 45135, 47643, 50015. |
26th Jan 2003 |
Sulzer Theme Day 19.1.03 & Bridge repairs completed:
Sounds and photos from the Sulzer theme day last weekend and updated photo news on the Ashenbottom bridge which has now been restored and is reopened. A number of photos also added for D345 and 45135 taken in Nov/Dec last year. New recordings: 33117, 45135, 46035, 47150 & 47853 New photos: D345, 45135, 46035, 47150, 47853 & Bridge/Flood |
6th Nov 2002 |
D345 Mainline Test Run, 47402 lift & More Bridge photographs:
New recordings: D345 New photos: D2062, 40135, D345, 47402 & Bridge/Flood |
15th Aug 2002 |
East Lancs September & KWVR Summer Diesel Galas 2002:
Mostly updates from the Septermber 2002 ELR Gala along with KWVR Summer Gala, an odd photo & soundfile which escaped the August update and News on the Bridge Repairs near Irwell Vale: New photos: 33201, D7076, 40135, D345, 47212 (FL), 50015, D9016, 56088 & Class 66 New recordings: D8087, 33117, 33201, D7076, 37197, D832, 47212 (FL), 50015 (archive), D1041, D9016, 56088, 66510 & 66607 |
15th Aug 2002 |
East Lancs Diesel Gala 2002:
Mostly updates from the July 2002 gala and a couple of stray photos and soundfiles that missed the last update: New photos: 33117, 33201, D6700, D832, 45060, 45135, 47270, 50015, D1023, D1041 & D9016 New recordings: D8087, D5600, 33201, D6700, 40135, D345, D832, 45060, 47270, 47289, D1023, D1041 & D9016 |
22nd July 2002 |
Scottish and Welsh Updates:
I've been wanting to fill a gap in the site where class 26 soundfiles should have been and this has now been done with my visit to the Bo'ness & Kinneil gala in May. New photos of 25235, 26004, 26024, 27001, Class 37/4 section and 47643 New recordings of 25235, 26004, 26024, 27001 and Class 37/4 section |
22nd June 2002 |
Floods hit the East Lancashire Railway:
On the 14th of June severe rain and resulting flooding has damaged a bridge near to Irwell Vale on the ELR and tragically the line is now classed as unsafe beyond Irwell Vale - Photos and information added - Click on Flood |
27th May 2002 |
It's been a while! .. but I have been busy!!:
New photos for Class 24. 31, 33, 35, 37, 40, 46, 47, 52, DMU & Shunter section Sounds for Class 24, 31, 33, 35, 37, 42, 45, 46, 47 and 52 Pages for Class 31, 37, 40 and 47 have now been sub-indexed The D9531 (Class 14) page has now been relocated to www.d9531.com |
17th Nov 2001 |
37197's ELR Debut Exclusive photos and sound files of Ian Riley's latest mainline class 37, 37197 |
28th Oct 2001 |
ELR Autumn 2001 Gala Updates New Photos for class 31, 33, 40, 47 50, 66 and Shunters New Sound files for Class 24, 33, 37, 40, 45, 46, 47, 50 and 66 (of sorts) |
18th Sept 2001 |
L O A D 25 ! ! ! MP3 sound files added of 45135 and D345 on the record breaking 25 coach "Beerex" on September 8th 2001 .... more Sounds and Photos from the September Gala to follow in the next week or two |
2nd Sept 2001 |
ELR July 2001 Gala Updates New Photos for Class 20, 24, 31, 40, 42, 45, 46, 47, 50, 52, 66 and the Shunters section - all resizing of photos now completed New Sound files for Class 03/08, 20, 31, 33, 35, 40, 42, 45, 46, 47, 50, 52 and 66 |
3rd Jul 2001 |
D9531 pictures updated Pictures in the D9531 section of the site have been updated and resized and they look a lot better - why not take a look!! |
26th Apr 2001 |
WWW.BRDW.CO.UK is born! After many problems with free ISP space the site has moved to WWW.BRDW.CO.UK - Update your bookmarks! A big Thank-you to Steve Jones for providing some webspace for BRDW. Also added: Hymek (Class 35) photos and a Brand New Shunters section - Work continues with photo resizing but the REALLY good news is that the soundfile downloads all now work!! - as ever email me if you have any problems. |
11th Mar 2001 |
Class 35 Hymek and Class 40 Soundfiles Two new soundfiles added of D335 & D7076 in action during the Night Rider event Photos resized for more Classes although work still continues. |
20th Jan 2001 |
Photo additions for Class 31 - D5600 (31435) in BR Green and Class 24 (D5054) Picture sizes increased in many sections - Work continues on the remaining "small" photos |
22nd Nov 2000 |
First Recording of D335 and D345 added
22nd Oct 2000 |
D9531 Section added Further testament to the great work done by the Bury Diesel Group - Information from Chris Baily and his team on the refurbishment of Class 14, D9531. |
12th Sept 2000 |
Autumn ELR Diesel Gala 2000 - D335 back in action! Photo additions to Class 40, 45 and 57 Soundfile additions for Class 24, 37, 40, 52 and 57 |
7th Aug 2000 |
KWVR 2000 Diesel Gala and my holidays in the lakes: Photo additions to Class 20, 25, 26, 37 and 52 Soundfile of 37608 in action at Keighley |
17 July 2000 |
Following the ELR 2000 Mega-mix Diesel Gala: Photo and Sound Updates to Class 20, 25, 27, 31, 33, 37, 40, 42, 45, 47 and 52 plus a feature on 57009 |
11 June 2000 | Minor updates to Links Section |
14 May 2000 | Picture additions to Class 37 and 52 MP3 of 37038 in action |
14 Feb 2000 | DMU Section added including 1 picture and soundfile |
5 Feb 2000 | Picture additions to class 33 |
22 Jan 2000 | Picture additions to class 24 D5054 and 47 D1501 New and Archive recordings of D5054 |
8 Jan 2000 | Picture additions to class 42 Warship |
24 Oct 1999 | Picture additions to classes 26,27 and 56 and Class 66 Special featuring 66082 (For a limited period only) (All of the above from my recent holiday in Scotland) |
20 Sept 1999![]() |
But all is not lost - if you did miss it you can
at least get a flavour of what went on - EWS / ELR Event updates: Sounds : Class 31, 33, 37, 47, 56 & 73 Photos : Class 20, 31, 35, 37, 47, 50, 56, 73 |
4 Sept 1999 | Class 37 MP3 files .. Hear 37029 in action on the ELR |
21 Aug 1999 | First Deltic photo added new address http://listen.to/br-diesel - update your bookmarks! Guestbook and Whats New? links added |
26 July 1999 | More ELR diesel gala photos added new class 45 recording class 47 recording from the archives Deltic recording from the archives |
14 July 1999 | New look BRDW launched |